Friday, April 10, 2009


Everything is closed and no one wants to shoot so I have some free time that I can dedicate to getting this blog started-which I have been meaning to do for a while! Ok so I am exactly 10 weeks out of Fitness Universe which is taking place in Miami on June 20th and I am stepping it up a notch in my training.

I have an irratated left meniscus-which means my knee is sore :( and it has a limited range on motion. Cant do much jumping which is a bummer but I have been working around the injury and I am hoping it will be fixed by the end of the weekend.

45 min morning jog with my dog
45 min training sessions with my trainer/physio-Calisnetic Pull Workout

I am off to London for the weekend!! Get to see some old friends and MAYBE go out for a drink.

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