Sunday, April 26, 2009

9 weeks out!

I am fairly focused this week! I don't have any shoots but a few important meetings with Maximum Fitness and Inside Fitness. I have a ton of time to worout so I am hoping to fit in lots of cardio and training sessions.

Thursady: My knee is pretty much all better just a little tight in the mornings but with running on the pavement so much my lower back is feeling super tight and abused (I have always had back problems). I will have ACTIVAID take a look at it.

Sat: Was in Stratford for the OPA show representing supplement source and recruiting new talent to shoot for magazines spread. Did a shoot with Michelle DeMaria and Christy Wolfe in the break-just playing around. My back is pretty sore so I decided to take 2 days off and let it try and heal itself-week 8 is where its gets a lot more serious so I want to be ready lol.

Mon: Morning cardio-outside run for 40 min, swim-20 min, then steam and stretch out
Tue: Morning cardio-40 min run, training-full body circuit: 3 circuits with 4 exercises 2 sets each
Wen: morning cardio and cycle class (lots of intervals) in the afternoon
Thur: mornign cardio and training-lower body, abs and back body circuit
Fri: Morning cardio-40 min run, training-chest, obliques
Sat/Sun-REST!!!-my back is really sore so giving it a break :)

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