Sunday, April 26, 2009

8 weeks out

I have decided I need to start planning out my meals so I am have sat down and scheduled my nutrition so that I keep it consistent. It's hard because I don't have a set schedule and my days vary a lot. I will try and do the following as much as possible:

Wake-up: glass of water with fresh squeezed lemon
Eat: yogurt/berries/kashi go lean 1/3 cup
Eat: 2 eggs, cucumber and tomato juice
Eat: raw veggies
Eat: 1/2 can tuna and rye toast
Eat: chicken/turkey and beans/cauliflower/asparagus
Eat: protein shake or melon

Monday:Cariod 30 min + hip hop class
Tuesday:Cardio 30 min + training
Wednesday: Cardio 30 min
Thursday: Cardio 3o min
Friday: Sick-unplanned day off
Saturday:Routine practice and choreography 2 hrs (battling a cold)
Sunday: Run for 45 min-still sck :(

Did a lot of shooting and was sick most of the week. Got to go to CN tower for fun and play with exposure settings on my camera

9 weeks out!

I am fairly focused this week! I don't have any shoots but a few important meetings with Maximum Fitness and Inside Fitness. I have a ton of time to worout so I am hoping to fit in lots of cardio and training sessions.

Thursady: My knee is pretty much all better just a little tight in the mornings but with running on the pavement so much my lower back is feeling super tight and abused (I have always had back problems). I will have ACTIVAID take a look at it.

Sat: Was in Stratford for the OPA show representing supplement source and recruiting new talent to shoot for magazines spread. Did a shoot with Michelle DeMaria and Christy Wolfe in the break-just playing around. My back is pretty sore so I decided to take 2 days off and let it try and heal itself-week 8 is where its gets a lot more serious so I want to be ready lol.

Mon: Morning cardio-outside run for 40 min, swim-20 min, then steam and stretch out
Tue: Morning cardio-40 min run, training-full body circuit: 3 circuits with 4 exercises 2 sets each
Wen: morning cardio and cycle class (lots of intervals) in the afternoon
Thur: mornign cardio and training-lower body, abs and back body circuit
Fri: Morning cardio-40 min run, training-chest, obliques
Sat/Sun-REST!!!-my back is really sore so giving it a break :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

10 Weeks out!

k so its exactly 10 weeks before I make my way to Miami and step on stage which means its GO TIME

This week has been so busy. I did a test shoot with Brandi Latimer for American Curves, then I got to work with one of "Bravado Management" models and experimented with some different lighting techniques. All the stuff for Nytro Fitness Mag publication is due by the end of the week so it kept me busy trying to figure out what pics to use with articles...

On Friday went to my first Blue Jays game-got to sit in a private booth with my 2 friends, then had dinner with Dan Henderson from UFE

Knee is feeling better but not pushing it 100% this week
Monday-day off
Tuesday-30 min jog outdoors+30 min training session (timed dynamic circuits-3 circuits consisting of x2 two minute sets)
Wednesday-1hr cycles class (sprints and hills)+10 min stretch
Thursday-45 min morning run outdoors+30 min training session (3 circuits consisting of 6 sets each. mostly pull and legs)+10 min stretch
-acupuncture and ice for my knee
Friday-40 min morning run+20 min training session (push-shoulders and chest, and abs)
Saturday-3o min cardio+1 hr hip hp class
Sunday-50 min cardio + 30 min training session (full body 3 circuits with two 4 exercise sets)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Still Easter lol

Had the best breakfast this morning-Rye toast with cream cheese and smoked salmon mmmmmm. Tried going to the gym but it was closed for Easter. Did a workout spread shoot with Christy Wolfe and got to work with the top stylist in the city here in London-Heather Wenman the CEO of Studio-H. I am looking forward to more collaboration with her in the near future. Beat my highest score at brickbreak-15830!!! YAHHHHH (did it while watching the Masters Golf Championships).
On Monday I had my very first Easter Egg hunt! And yes ate quit a few lol... but its Easter so...

Sat April 11th
Morning Cardio-30 min
Swimming-30 min
Steam and stretch

Sun Arpil 12th
Interval Training at Harrison Park in London for 30 min-gym was closed

Friday, April 10, 2009


Everything is closed and no one wants to shoot so I have some free time that I can dedicate to getting this blog started-which I have been meaning to do for a while! Ok so I am exactly 10 weeks out of Fitness Universe which is taking place in Miami on June 20th and I am stepping it up a notch in my training.

I have an irratated left meniscus-which means my knee is sore :( and it has a limited range on motion. Cant do much jumping which is a bummer but I have been working around the injury and I am hoping it will be fixed by the end of the weekend.

45 min morning jog with my dog
45 min training sessions with my trainer/physio-Calisnetic Pull Workout

I am off to London for the weekend!! Get to see some old friends and MAYBE go out for a drink.